Its worth mentioning that we have a pick up and delivery service here (Steve) he has been with us for ever ! He is very reasonable on price and the car is always delivered dry and in his “shuttle”
The car was picked up after a call from the owner who had had the car for a long time, we picked it up from a garage he had commissioned to do work on the car but it never got done, it stood outside the workshop for what looked like years, When it arrived the car’s gold paint was very flat there were many dents around the car, the engine was seized , it needed brakes, it had steering/suspension problems with various bushes needed, the interior needed a decent valet and it was sitting on very old non legal tyres, we found this car a bit weird in the fact that it was a very low miles car and looking as we do in all the right places we could confirm that it was just that. Anyway we pulled the plugs and started by trying to get the engine to turn it was properly tight!! we gave in after a while and tipped a load of WD40 down on top of the pistons, left it for two days and then gently towed it at 10 mph dropped it into 3rd gear let the clutch up, at first a locked up rear and a bit of smoke but second time success.
So draining the old fuel and new in – sorting the carb (it had a couple of parts missing !!! ) points condenser leads – new battery, new oil and filter we had it running and at first was a bit worried about possibly ring bore damage but gradually as it warmed up it became very sound and confirmed to us its low miles.
From there we first renewed much of the brake system sorted various bushes on front, fitted new rear shocks, sorted some of the electrics not working, and at last on Paul in Dalby paint shop to make it look great, there were a great many small dents around this car but Paul did the magic we also replaced all the window lower seals – nice valet inside, the wheel removed and painted with new tyres and a new mot. need less to say our customer was a happy person especially as previously it had stood with no one touching it for so long.