Chassis dept. A new ERA R10 chassis is underway sitting in the new jig. These new ERA’s are now manufactured in De-dion or independent versions.
Paint dept. Paul’s got two modern hatchbacks in for damage a Skoda and Mazda both in Red
Trim dept. Laura has been making two new Tiger seats for one of our cars in Japan. Orders for seats also in this week for customers in Italy, and various parts were sent to AUS.
Now Just in a very historic Tiger, 33 years old unfortunately been standing alone outside under a cover for a few years and looking very sad. This will be restored here with full photos shown. This was the 29th Tiger built back in 1990! The very early 1991 tiger super six has been completley stripped and now in for sandblasting the chassis – this will then go to powder coating – primer first satin black finish – pictures to follow – the complete story of the resto will be on here over the next couple months.